6 Simple Steps for Creating and Growing a Successful Online Business

Robin Stoby
4 min readOct 19, 2021

Due to the increasing reach of the Internet, entrepreneurship is more accessible than ever before. Virtually anyone can start an online business; it is far cheaper than creating a brick-and-mortar company. However, the path toward starting an online business may not seem very clear. While many of the steps overlap with creating a traditional small business, there are some important differences to recognize. There is a simple formula for creating and growing an online business. A basic outline of this formula includes the following steps:

1. Find a need to meet.

Any business, whether traditional or online, needs to meet a specific need. Rather than thinking of a product or service first, think of a market. Find people looking for a solution to a problem and provide it to them. Go online and search out the problems people have as well as if anyone else is already working on a solution. Check out the competition and see if you can provide a better solution. Finding an idea this way ensures you have a market for your product and do not need to put a lot of work into creating one.

2. Create compelling copy.

When you sell online, you need to focus heavily on your copy, as customers will not be able to experience the product or service in real life. Describe the problem you are addressing and offer compelling reasons for why your solution is the best choice. Establish your credibility and think about adding testimonials as you begin selling to customers. Back up your product or service with a guarantee and perhaps a special offer to entice customers.

All of this will help you attract customers and convince them to make a purchase. The best copy focuses on how the product or service will improve people’s lives and not just the product or service itself. Consumers want to know how they will benefit from it.

3. Establish yourself as an expert.

One of the keys to selling online is guiding people to your solution in a number of different ways. Many people overlook the power of establishing expertise. Create social media profiles and provide valuable information to people for free. Then, link to your product or service. As people look for information, they will come across the tidbits you offer. Provided you offer great information, potential customers will be more likely to consider your solution. Post on any relevant forums or sites and interact with people as much as possible. Think about maintaining a blog to discuss issues related to your product or service. Doing this takes time, but it will establish a solid base for your business.

4. Design a sleek website.

You will need a compelling website to sell your product or service. In general, a simple website is best. Most people will only spend a couple of seconds on a website before deciding if it is worth their time. Use simple fonts that are easy to read and make the navigation clear. Choose media that supports your message and ensure that it does not confuse the viewer.

Also, you should always include a space for people to join a mailing list. You could even provide an incentive for doing so, such as a discount, to help build out the list of potential customers. Make sure your customers can make purchases easily. Ideally, it should only take one or two clicks to get to the checkout screen. Think about the website as an online storefront and make it customer friendly.

5. Target your email list.

Do not underestimate the power of an email list. This list is a great asset, especially since people need to opt into it, which means they want to hear from you. With excellent email marketing, you can develop long-lasting relationships with potential customers.

Email marketing is virtually free and highly targeted. Use the email list to inform customers of special offers and new products or services. You can also use the list to further establish expertise by sending helpful hints and information; if every email is an attempt to sell, people may soon unsubscribe.

Be sure your emails are engaging and exciting. Avoid sending too many emails and annoying people. Instead, send quality emails that people look forward to reading.

6. Focus on back-end sales.

One unique marketing strategy for a website is the back-end sale. To do this, you can include additional products or services that the person may like on the “Thank You” page that appears when a sale is complete. In addition, you can send loyalty coupons a few days after the purchase to encourage the customer to come back and buy more. In this email, you can highlight products or services that complement the original purchase. Customers like to be rewarded for their loyalty, and if they are happy, they are likely to make additional purchases. These purchases from existing customers are ultimately easier to obtain than attracting new people to the online store.



Robin Stoby

Robin Stoby has been affiliated with the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry Limited (GBTI) since 1991.